To someone who wants to review his/her English in this forum, I offer the Chicken Soup to you every work day if I can remember to do so. Your English will never be forgotten by taking this nutrient, I promise!
As a teacher, I know that kindergarten has always been a place to learn important lessons. So, one day when I was visiting the school where my husband was the principal, I went to discover the place of wonder – the kindergarten class.
There, I noticed a little girl busily slapping paint on and easel. To my eye, her creation seemed to be nothing more than a big red blob. “Tell me about your painting,” I said.
The young artist stopped painting. She backed away from the easel and gave her work a careful look. Then she heaved a heavy sigh and exclaimed, “It’s a turkey!”
After what seemed an eternity, she added, “And tomorrow, I’m going to put the skin on it!”
-- Meg Conner and James E. Conner, Ed.D
From Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-24 5:00:16编辑过] |