本帖最后由 en101 于 11-9-7 05:48 编辑
我们现在面临的选择其实也同样发生在国外的户外俱乐部. 也许他们的处理方式对我门有借鉴之处. 以下转摘自多伦多户外俱乐部TOC有关"自愿捐助"的FAQ. 这个俱乐部成立于2005年, 现有注册成员大概1360人. 和穿越者的历史背景差不多. 俱乐部采用实名会员制, 无年费, 纯自愿者运作的组织.
Voluntary Donation FAQ
Q: Why voluntary donations, and why on a by-event basis?
Q: 为什么需要自愿捐款, 为什么是以每次活动为基础?
A: The club must have a way to cover its expenses. The club volunteers feel that charging a set yearly membership fee would discourage people from joining the club. Also, charging a yearly membership fee would require incorporation of the club and bring with it a lot more red tape and expenses. So far, the fairest way we've come up with to finance the club is to ask people for donations on a 'pay as you go' basis.
A: 俱乐部必须有个方法来平衡它的花费. 俱乐部自愿者认为收取会员年费也许会降低人们加入俱乐部的意愿. 同时, 收取年费也许会需要俱乐部公司化, 随之而来是更多的繁琐条例和更多的花费. 所以, 目前阶段, 最合适的方法是要求大家依据"谁参加活动谁捐"的方式捐款.
Q: Do I have to pay the voluntary donation for every event I attend?
Q: 我是否需要每次参加活动就要捐款?
A: There is no obligation to pay every time. In fact, some people pay every second or third time that they attend club events. Some people prefer to give us a once/year donation (their choice of amount), which is also fine. Pay what you can, in keeping with the value you feel you receive from the club. The voluntary donations are what keep the club going at this point - it is our main source of income.
To ensure that regular participants do not end up paying more than they would if we simply had a yearly membership fee, the club volunteers have decided to cap voluntary donations at $20/year for members. Donations are, naturally, completely voluntary, but once a member feels that they've paid their maximum ($20, or an amount of their choice), the club no longer expects them to donate.
A: 你没有义务每次都要捐款. 事实上, 一些人在他们每参加二到三次活动才捐款一次, 另外一些人则喜欢一年捐助一次, 数目由他们自定. 捐助多少都可以, 只要感觉到物有所值. 自愿捐赠是目前我们的主要收入来源
为确保经常活动者不会过多地捐赠, 多过如果我们是采用的是年费制的话, 俱乐部的自愿者们决定$20元年捐赠是个人捐款的上限. 捐款是绝对自愿的, 如果一个会员觉得他已经付了$20元的上限, 或他觉得捐了自己合适的数目, 俱乐部则不再期待他们的另外捐赠. |