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2017 月亮湾亲子游

发表于 2017-7-13 21:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                This time we went to Moon Bay and we were led by the counselor, Big Mountain, and the kid counselor, Fried Chicken Wings. My dad had told a friend, Little Star and Little Star, which we had met on my last trip about this trip and they were also able to come. On the first day, we played water gun fight and rip name tags. We used water cannons which you pull the handle while the tip is in the water to load and push the handle to fire. We also used water guns, which store water in advance but the blast is not as powerful as the water cannon. We blasted the people on the ships in the water and sometimes they cursed and sometimes they laughed or shot back at us. When there were no ships, we divided into two teams and fought each other or we blasted our counselor, fried chicken wings, with water. In rip name tags, there were 2 teams, the yellow and the green team; we started with the entire team versus the other team. The director didn’t like it and so he divided each team into 3 groups. The groups were divided by age. It’s then a group from one of the teams versus a group from the other team and the two groups have to be at the same age range. Finally, on the second and last day, we found pebbles at the shore of the river and used paint and paintbrushes to draw on the rocks. Everything we did on this trip is pretty fun and easy to play.

        这次我们去了月亮湾。 我们的辅导员是 大山和孩子辅导员是烤鸡翅。我爸爸告诉了一个朋友, 小星和小小星, 他们是我们在上次旅行中遇到的, 我很开心他们也能来。
        在第一天, 我们玩水枪战和撕名牌 。我们使用了水炮,把尖端浸在水里拉手柄可以装水,然后推动手柄喷水。我们还使用了水枪, 它能提前储存水, 但他的力量并没有水炮那么强大。我们用水把船上的人弄湿, 有时他们咒骂, 有时还嘲笑我们。        当没有船的时候, 我们分成两个队, 互相打架, 或者我们都向我们的辅导员”炸鸡翅“喷水。在撕名称标签中, 有2队, 黄队和绿队;我们是从整个团队开始打的,但大山不喜欢那样子, 所以他把每个队分成了3组。这些组按年龄划分。现在是一个小组与另一个小组打,二个小组必须是在同一个年龄范围。
        最后, 在第二天也是最后一天, 我们在河岸边发现了鹅卵石, 用颜料和画笔在岩石上画画。
        我们在这次旅行中所做的一切都很有趣, 很容易玩。


啥叫我不喜欢,你们去撕6岁的小朋友,都哭了呢  发表于 2017-7-14 09:06
发表于 2017-7-14 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-7-14 11:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-7-18 11:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-7-27 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
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