今天去年度体检, 在家庭医生的办公室看到墙壁上张贴的宣传资料,觉得非常好. 回家后上网查到了这家医药公司的网站. 现摘录相关内容如下和大家分享. 也许你会受用. 现在心血管的疾病越来越大越多. 其实血管的变质从小孩就开始了,然后一直延续到终身.而且会发生在每个人的身上. 只是有些人会发展成致命的心肌梗塞或脑血塞。如果哪位对此有专业知识, 不妨提供一些平时应如何养生, 或有病如何治疗的建议. 希望此帖能帮你意识到如何在你还年轻时开始保养你的血管。How do clots form? 血液中的凝块如何形成的?All of us develop plaque: a buildup of cholesterol and other materials in the walls of our arteries. Over time, this plaque can restrict the flow of blood throughout the body. 我们大家的动脉血管壁上都会形成壁垢, 它是由胆固醇和其它物质堆积成的. 随着时间的推移, 这壁垢会阻碍血的周身流通.
- Normal arteries are smooth and flexible, allowing oxygen-rich blood to flow through easily.
正常的动脉是光滑柔软的, 携氧的血液能畅通无阻地在血管里流动.
- Over time, certain factors cause cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other materials to collect in the arterial walls causing plaque. This plaque narrows the arteries and reduces the flow of blood.
随着时间的推移, 一些因素诸如蛋固醇, 脂肪, 钙和其他一些物质会沉积在血管壁上形成壁垢, 使得动脉血管变窄进而导致血流量的减小.
- As blood flows through the narrowed artery, the plaque can rupture. This causes platelets in the blood to stick to the damaged area (similar to a scab on the skin) by clumping together and forming a clot.
当血流通过变窄的动脉血管, 壁垢可能会碎裂. 这将导致血小板凝集在受损处(类似皮肤上的结痂)进而形成血凝块.
- A clot can reduce or completely block the flow of blood through an artery. If this happens in an artery supplying the heart, the result can be a heart attack or heart-related chest pain.
血凝块会减小甚至于完全堵塞动脉血液的流通. 如果此时发生在供往心脏的动脉血管那将导致心脏病发作, 或者和心脏有关的胸痛.
摘自 http://www.plavix.com/plavix/channels/content.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&channelName=Left_Navigation/200@heart_attack |